Sober Chick

Here are the unleashed pages of a sober chick in recovery. My journey (date of sobriety) began on June 13th, 2005. For 29 years of my life I was spiritually sick. Emotinally defeated by drunken black-outs, bulimic binging and purging episodes and self-mutilation, I finally surrendered.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Chris R

I washed my truck yesterday at the coin wash. I pulled aside to detail my truck (cuz I am an alcoholic and no one can wash my truck as good as I can, still working on the defects). This man in his 40s on a bicycle came riding along. The area was secluded, blocked off from the main street. He pulled out a paper bag, bottle top exposed, and began to medicate himself. He did not care that he was being seen by those cleaning thier cars. His priority was that drink, to get it down as fast as he could.

I am no different from this man, I know that need. I found something beautiful. I pray to God that he will venture to the rooms of the Fellowship and begin his journey some day.

XA Speakers has the latest experience, strength and hope from
Chris R. If you have the time, please listen to this passionate man. He is pure truth to offer.

today i am so grAAteful for my life and the continuos balance I am feeling lately.


At 6/28/2006 6:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous tells all . . .

We can see reflections from our past in people today every where we go.
I think if we can see it now,
we have grown alot since the past.
Great little insight while taking your truck to the spa.
I cannot open the ChrisR link.?
Hope you are well today :)
Thanks for sharing ~

At 6/28/2006 6:55 PM, Blogger dAAve tells all . . .

Nothing wrong with detailing (maintaining) your vehicle. It's healthy and responsible.

At 6/28/2006 7:31 PM, Blogger butterflygirl tells all . . .

You are just so awesome!

At 6/28/2006 8:42 PM, Blogger Tennessee Santa tells all . . .

I took my car to the $11,00 get the works deal today and it is the best it has looked in years. Of course I still need to do some more cleaning myself. Chris R. is something else. I do not think I have ever found a more excited speaker, is enthusiasm is contageous.

At 6/28/2006 9:07 PM, Blogger lash505 tells all . . .

Coin this I spent $28.00 for the deluxe and It looked like my kids washed the car.

At 6/29/2006 9:23 AM, Blogger Thomas tells all . . .

My bicycle sure could use a washing.

At 6/29/2006 6:35 PM, Blogger jake tells all . . .

If you can do it I can too....Man, my bicycles need a thorough going over.....

At 6/29/2006 8:00 PM, Blogger Shannon tells all . . .

I hope that guy will too sc.. I will check out your XA speaker when I get a chance :)

At 6/30/2006 5:39 AM, Blogger Unknown tells all . . .

There are reminders all around us everyday. But for the grace of GOd.

At 6/30/2006 5:50 AM, Blogger Scott M. Frey tells all . . .

HP gave you a serious reminder....

She drives a truck!!! Ok, when are you going to stop getting kooler? I cannot stand it! he he Keep on keepin on, girl!

At 6/30/2006 4:48 PM, Blogger Alcoholic Brain tells all . . .

This page layout is cool. Thanks for being an inspiration, and have a good weekend, and do the conscious contact thing....

At 7/01/2006 6:00 AM, Blogger JJ tells all . . .

Will you come on over and clean my car? Pretty please.
I see you,

At 7/01/2006 7:00 PM, Blogger Sober @ Sundown tells all . . .

Hi SC,

Thanks for stopping by and lending your condolences.


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